Updated March 2022

Our Health and Wellness policy is in accordance with the Child Care Guidelines for Communicable Disease Prevention from Vancouver Coastal Health, BCCDC and WorksafeBC. We appreciate every families effort to adhere to our Health and Wellness Policy.

Staff, children, or other persons in the child care setting who are exhibiting symptoms of illness (including but not limited to COVID-19 symptoms) should stay home until they are well enough to participate in regular activities. Staff, children, or other persons can attend child care if their symptoms are consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g., seasonal allergies) or symptoms have improved enough to where you feel well enough to return to regular activities and their fever has resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication (e.g. acetaminophen, ibuprofen).- BCCDC Mar. 22, 2022

Symptoms of illness, include any of the following symptoms:  

• fever 

• chills

• wet or dry cough 

• sore throat/painful swallowing 

• difficulty breathing 

• unexplained fatigue, aches or pains 

• loss of appetite 

• headache 

• sinus congestion (runny or stuffy nose)

Please call the Preschool at 604- 886-9417 and let us know your child will be home because you suspect they are sick or they are fine but you choose not to have your child in class for a day or a week.

2. If a staff member, or your child(ren) shows signs of illness at the school, staff will immediately go home, and parents will be contacted to retrieve their child immediately and they will be required to be at home until symptoms have resolved.

3. Children with gastro-intestinal problems (ie vomiting, diarrhea) must be kept home from preschool. Diarrhea is defined as repeated bowel movements that have unusual appearance or odor and are often watery or greenish in color. If your child has been vomiting or had diarrhea during the night, he/she should NOT attend preschool for at least 48 hrs and/or until the symptoms have subsided. If a cause of vomiting or diarrhea is identified, or if there are 3 or more cases in 4 days or less in the preschool, notify the licensing officer for further guidance. 

4. Parents must inform the preschool AND keep your child home when your child has a vaccine-preventable disease (such as chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, mumps, rubella, whooping cough etc ), bacteria or other viral infections (pink eye, hand, food and mouth(coxsackievirus)), a communicable disease (flu, covid-19), or a parasite (lice, pinworms, scabies), until symptoms diminish or are managed appropriately.

5. Mask wearing – Face coverings are no longer required by public health. Adults (including staff, practicum students, volunteers and visitors) and children over two years old in child care settings may wear a mask based on personal or family choice. – BCCDC March 22. 2022.

6. Ventilation:

Our Open Door Classroom Concept is to encourage fresh air flow in our school and to encourage class time spent inside and outside.

7. Cleaning of our School (see our Cleaning and Sanitzing Policy)