Affordable Child Care Benefit – families that earn up to $111,000/year may qualify for funding
ACCB (Affordable Child Care Benefit)
To help families lower their preschool tuition fees, the government offers families the ACCB, where if your family makes less than $111,000/year, you can take advantage of this benefit. Both parents need to either working or one parent looking for work, or is some sort of university/college training program.
Submit your ACCB request online thru your own BCeID account / Service Directory / My Family Services – Affordable Child care
Parent Education:
Preschool Years: Ages 3-5
The Importance of Quality Early Childhood Education
What to do when a child hits another
How to build Independence in Preschoolers
Characteristics of Preschool Children
Early Childhood Practice Guide Ages Zero to Five
The Parents Relationship Changes after baby
Relationship Stress after having a baby
Primary Years(Elementary School) 5-12 years:
BC Primary School Program – Document on the current goals for students, parents and teacher in the Elementary School System.
Vancouver School Board – Welcome to Elementary School -Brief description on basics of Elementary School system learning
With every monthly Newsletter we offer a Parent Education element.
We encourage parents to talk with our teachers to discover new tips or tricks, or to seek advice or conversation on parenting issues, sleep, eating, milestone achieving or behaviour related questions or concerns.
Our teachers are here to help you in your parenting journey.
Below are a list of links of speakers who have been part of this program:
Janine Pilmer – Breath work
Fresh Air Learning – Outdoor Learning
Bridgette Miller – Conscious Parenting
Christopher Burt – Affecting your Childs behaviour